Friday, September 19, 2008

We're in Taiwan!

During our four hour layover, we started walking around the airport and found this nifty free internet computer! I'm not able to upload any pictures, but just wanted to say "hi" and let everyone know we're almost there! At 10:00, we leave for Hanoi (a 3-hour flight) and arrive around noon. Our hotel is picking us up. We haven't slept much, but if we can, we're going to try to stay up until bedtime in Hanoi.

We've only had one mishap so far---when we got to the airport in DFW to check in, Eddie realized he had left his wallet sitting at home on the kitchen table! Thank goodness for Mom--she raced to the airport with it and we were able to make it in time.

I'll try to post again soon! With pictures!

3 days 'til we get the baby!

1 comment:

beckarecka said...

You'll be here soon! You've probably already boarded your last flight. When I read Nick your post his response to Eddie leaving his wallet was, "Man! That makes me feel so good!" We keep thinking of small oversights....luckily nothing too consequential, but frustrating none the less! We'll be excited to meet you all in a few days and hear about the Lucky Star!