Monday, February 25, 2008

I've been tagged!

I've been tagged, by my cyber-friend Megan. She's another adoptive parent who's blog is (which has really great music, by the way).

Here are the rules:
1. List 7 random things about yourself that people may not know.
2. Link the person who sent this to you, and leave a comment on their blog so that their readers can visit yours.
3. Post the rules on your blog.
4. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, linking their blog. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Here are my 7 Random Things:
I'll try hard to think of something interesting!
1. I ate half a bag of girl scout cookies today.
2. I have a minor in music. I can sing, and play the piano and flute.
3. We are converting my garage in to an efficiency apartment for my mom. We are excited to have her moving in with us!
4. Much teenage drama is occurring at our house. I will leave out lots of details, but two car wrecks are involved.
5. I will soon be a parent (again). We should be getting the referral of our baby boy from Vietnam in March or April!
6. I haven't vacuumed in a very long time. I'm just not motivated....
7. I would like to buy some land in the Kiamichi mountains in Oklahoma. Surely we can afford $20,000 or $30,000 right problem. Eddie's favorite (pond): My favorite (in mountains with stream):

I can't think of 7 people with blogs, but I will tag my friend Heather at and my cousin Whitney at

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